Whose writing this web page?
I asked my brother to review this web page. Said he thought it was interesting but what’s going on with the “About Us” and “Contact Us” pages. So i am going to fix this page for you.
Our Story
My first car that I owned was a 1966 289 Mustang Coupe. I drove it to finish high school and then took it to college. I had the Mustang fever. After college and working around the Midwest for some years, I moved back to my home area. I’m from a small town in NW Ohio. Waiting for my return were guys that I had known in my younger years when I was that guy with a Green Mustang. A number of them were participants in the local Mustang Club. I had a Mustang. We joined the local club.
I ended up taking over the club newsletter. My mother, Donna, and I operated the club newsletter for several years. I have a minor in journalism from BGSU. And love to write. We made the newsletter fun and interesting. We had subscribers (members) from all over the country.
In 1981, I decided to restore my ’66 Stang. My wife needed a car to drive while the Mustang was being restored. I’d always wanted a Fastback Mustang so that is what I went looking for. I looked at a large number of Mustangs for sale. Nothing got my attention. I got a lead on a Shelby Mustang in some body shop in some small town in Indiana. Now this was 1981. Sure enough, it was a ’66 Hertz Shelby with no engine, transmission and the interior was in a box. I barely knew what a Shelby Mustang was at that time. It was a Mustang without a drive train. I passed. But the Shelby name had entered my life again.
In January of the next year, 1982, I got word of a red, Mustang Fastback parked in front of a house trailer near Defiance, Ohio. I didn’t know that much more about Shelby Mustangs. (This is before there was an internet.) But this red Mustang was real cool looking with the side scoops and stripes. It had a nice looking hood with vents and front scoops. Very cool duck tail spoiler in the back. I suppose the thing that really attracted me to this pretty rough looking Shelby Mustang was remembering this car from a Playboy magazine ad in 1968, That one was red also.
So here is a web page I put together for me, some car friends, and some family. A set of web pages that I hope you find interesting if not informative. What I learned about engine building is worth sharing. And it’s dedicated to the 1968 Shelby Cobra’s and one in particular. Hope you enjoy going through the pages. If you are not a motor head, I tried to explain some things about why, not so much what. The specs or details are on those pages but the beginning is a more basic “why is this an issue?”
Meet the Team
There is no us. I will mention I got feedback from my brother, Gary, and my sister, Tena. There is just me writing this web page.
Next Steps…
I would suggest you get a flavor of why Shelby Mustangs are considered rare and collectible. Any car an owner values and maintains is collectible, but certain cars have a special spot in collectability. And they have a value just because of what they are above the vehicle value. Shelby Mustangs fit in that bucket.