MODELS 1968 Prices2018 Dollars#
GT 350 Fastback$4,116.62$29,584
GT 350 Convertible$4,238.14$30,581
GT 500 Fastback$4,317.39$31,150
GT 500 Convertible$4,438.91$32,023
GT 500KR Fastback$4,472.57$33,610
GT 500KR Convertible$4,594.09$33,148
Power disc brakes64.77
Power steering84.47
Shoulder harness50.76
Fold-down rear seat (Fastbacks only)64.78
Radio, AM push button57.59
Select-O-Matic transmission50.08
Tinted glass (air conditioning cars-only)30.25
Tilt-away steering wheel62.18

#To calculate the 2018 adjusted dollars, I used a factor of $100 in 1968 is $721.57 in 2018.